Eng. Soha M. ElGohary

Soha is Assistant Lecturer at Cairo university faculty of engineering and Ph.D. Candidate in Architectural Studies & Environmental Design, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. Soha has around 10 years’ experience in Designing & Managing multiple residential & administrative projects across all phases from conceptual design to construction execution. She is an expert in sustainable building design, environmental systems in architectural design and energy efficiency in buildings. She Won the third honour prize in Zero Energy Residential Unit, ZERU – international design competition-2018. she also participates in several workshops and conferences related to the building performance simulation and environmental design. soha@passivehouseegypt.com

Soha holds the following qualifications:

  • Master of Science of Architectural Engineering, Architectural Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University

 Thesis title: an approach to assess the environmental performance of the city using Gis techniques

• Bachelor of Architectural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University 

Soha participates in the following as :

  • A Community developer expert in shoubra local area development plan with Giz Collaboration
  • An Urban designer in shoubra local area development plan with Giz Collaboration

Soha published the following papers in the Environmental Design field:

  • “City’s environmental performance assessment” In the international conference on towards a better Quality of life 18-20 Sep. 2017.
  • “Towards zero energy residential unit in Egypt” The 8th international conference: Building the future now Rights to better living, architecture & contexts       Held in Cairo, April 2019.
  • “Retrofitting of deep educational studios by enhancing natural illumination” The 3rd International Conference: Architecture and Urban Safety Held in Jeddah, March 2019.
  • “Surface Shape Grammar Morphology to optimize Daylight in Mixed-Use Building skin “   The 9th International ASCAAD Conference: Architecture in the Age of Disruptive Technologies Held in Cairo, March 2021